Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeRunningSilentish Saturday!

Silentish Saturday!

(shorts, hat, bra, sneakers)

8.55 miles + 5 minutes of core.

Andrew received out to bike earlier than extra snow is anticipated…

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Bear in mind when Skye used to do that?

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Skye and I had 1,000,000 errands to run yesterday.

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She makes it onerous to say no.

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Stopped for carbs (thanks Arthi for reminding me to go to Nice Harvest)

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The remainder of the day we had been house.

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Easy Coconut Shrimp (with rooster as a substitute:) Curry for dinner!

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Not usually an oreo particular person however one thing in me has modified.

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Free Willy that become a wrestling match.

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He has a sixth sense… if somebody leaves the pantry door open, he’s in there inside 2 seconds.

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Completed off the day with the new tub and I’m actually undecided taper for this 25k subsequent Friday… I don’t know what I’ll run at this time!


Inform me three issues you’ve gotten happening at this time!



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